Hi, I’m Alex.
I’ve always been fascinated by the human creation of process and systems. Most of all by the ones we don’t even notice. Our personal hacks and shortcuts. The subtle ways in which we try to improve our lives.
Growing up, movies offered a painfully shy girl a glimpse into how other people live, work and move about in the world. My favorite moments in film celebrate the diverse processes of being human: A ballerina painstakingly customizing her pointe shoes. A montage of a father cooking an elaborate dinner for his family.
As an adult, I’ve searched for these moments in real life as well. I noticed that everyone has something they’ve mastered, some system they’ve perfected. And that’s fascinating to me.
We know how to design our lives. We do it all the time in a million little ways. As we scale up, from individuals to groups to organizations, we tend to forget or ignore that we have this skill. For me, UX is about tapping into those innate design skills, by breaking down and observing the process.
My approach as a UX designer is to understand and appreciate the user’s process; to elevate what works and repair what doesn’t.
I’d love to talk to you about it. Check me out on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/johnstonealex.